Informational and analytical web magazine hifiNews.RU is one of the leading websites dedicated to Hi-Fi industry in Russia. It appeared in 2004 and today forms a part of industry-specific internet projects of Techart Marketing Group.
The major fields of activity of hifiNews.RU include:The site audience is mainly comprised of men aged between 18 and 44 interested in modern equipment and having average and above the average income. The target audience is characterizes by aspiration for development and keeping pace with progress and global achievements of Hi-Tech industry as well as sense of style and considerate attitude to the quality of audio equipment and surrounding interior.
The site mission is to create information space with objective and useful information about the industry in general, product lines and professional market players creating the image of the market, to provide information to ultimate consumers so that they could better orientate themselves in the Hi-Fi world.
Founded in December 2004The extraordinary majority of the audience is comprised of men (about 90%), women make up only 10%.
Age groups: 45% - 18-34 years old; 20% - 35-44 years old.
70% of visitors have average and above the average income, 5-10% have high income.
80% of visitors are employed, half of them work in commercial organizations, 12% have their own business, another 7% are freelance workers.
Free registration
Publishing price lists, news, special offers
Banner advertizing
Site branding
Posting promo e-mails (more than 18 000 subscribers)
Holding contests and online conferences
Carrying out tests and publishing reviews
PR promotion of new products and companies
Analytics and research of the Hi-Fi market
Establishing an annual contest "Hi-Fi. The best website estimating global producers and market experts".
Establishing a marketing information agency specializing in support of Hi-Fi business and High End companies.
Acknowledging market players.
Among our partners and advertizers are ViewSonic, InFocus, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Epson, JVC, BBK, DaeWoo, Hitachi, Philips, Sony, Rolsen, etc.